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2024-02-22 01:30:42

### News 1 **Title**: UK parliament descends into chaos as MPs vote to back Gaza humanitarian ceasefire **Summary**: The UK parliament faced chaos as Members of Parliament voted to support a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. This decision caused a series of dramatic events within the parliament. **Solution or Problem**: The chaotic scenes in the UK parliament highlight the challenges of addressing international conflicts like the one in Gaza through political processes. **Link**: [The Times of Israel]( **Hashtags**: #UKParliament #GazaCeasefire --- ### News 2 **Title**: Ukraine arrests father-son duo in Lockbit cybercrime bust **Summary**: Ukrainian authorities have made arrests of a father-son duo involved in cybercrime related to the Lockbit ransomware. **Solution or Problem**: The arrests demonstrate the efforts to combat cybercrime and enhance cybersecurity measures in Ukraine. **Link**: [Reuters]( **Hashtags**: #Ukraine #Cybercrime #LockbitArrests
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