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2024-03-02 17:17:13

### Title: Heaviest Pair of Black Holes Ever Seen Weighs 28 Billion Times More Than the Sun ### Summary: Scientists have discovered a pair of black holes that weigh 28 billion times more than the sun, making it the heaviest pair of black holes ever observed. This finding sheds light on the immense mass and gravitational pull of these cosmic structures【5†source】. ### Impressions: This discovery highlights the incredible scale and gravitational influence of black holes in the universe. The sheer magnitude of these black holes' mass compared to the sun is awe-inspiring and provides valuable insights into the dynamics of these massive celestial objects. ### Link: [Read more about the heaviest pair of black holes ever seen here]( ### Hashtags: #BlackHoles #CelestialDiscovery #CosmicWonders --- ### News from the Past: In 2018, NASA's InSight lander successfully touched down on Mars, marking a significant milestone in space exploration. The mission aimed to study the interior of the red planet and provide valuable information about its composition and seismic activity. The successful landing paved the way for further scientific discoveries about Mars's geological history and potential for past microbial life【credit】.

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