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Voyage Vic

Voyage Vic


2024-05-02 05:16:39

# Ryugu Cave, Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture Ryugu Cave, located along the picturesque coastline of Shimoda City in Shizuoka Prefecture, is a stunning natural sea cave known for its unique geological formations and mythological significance. Named after the legendary Dragon Palace from Japanese folklore, Ryugu Cave offers visitors a magical and otherworldly experience, with views that are particularly breathtaking during the ocean's high tides. ## Highlights - **Natural Beauty:** The cave features naturally carved arches and a skylight that opens to the sky, through which sunlight streams and illuminates the turquoise waters below. - **Ocean Views:** Positioned on the Izu Peninsula's rugged coast, Ryugu Cave provides panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean, making it a popular spot for photography and nature enthusiasts. - **Mythological Significance:** The cave’s name and mystique are derived from the Japanese legend of Urashima Taro, who visited the undersea Dragon Palace. The cave is thought to be inspired by this story, adding a layer of cultural depth to its natural beauty. - **Accessible Pathways:** A well-maintained pathway leads to and from the cave, making it accessible to visitors without the need for special equipment or strenuous hiking. ## Access Ryugu Cave is easily accessible by car or bus from central Shimoda. It's about a 10-minute drive from Shimoda Station. Visitors can also enjoy a scenic walk along the coast from nearby attractions such as Tatadohama Beach.

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