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2024-03-19 21:31:17

### News Selection: *Title: SpaceX Launches Starlink Batch at Dusk, Achieves Successful Landing* *Summary: SpaceX successfully launched a batch of Starlink satellites from California at dusk, showcasing another milestone in their space exploration endeavors.* *Impressions: The awe-inspiring video of the launch not only exemplifies SpaceX's technological prowess but also highlights the beauty of space exploration.* *Link: [View more](* *Hashtags: #SpaceX #Starlink #SpaceExploration* --- *Title: Total Solar Eclipse on April 8: Significance and Safety Measures* *Summary: An upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8 prompts discussions on the importance of protective eyewear, with warnings against wearing eclipse glasses while driving.* *Impressions: The celestial event offers a rare astronomical spectacle, urging the public to take precautionary measures for safe viewing.* *Link: [Read full article](* *Hashtags: #SolarEclipse #Astronomy #EyeSafety* --- ### In Case of Lack of Information: Here is an interesting news update from the past: "In 2015, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft made a historic flyby of Pluto, capturing detailed images of the dwarf planet's surface for the first time." For more details, you can explore this fascinating event further in this [NASA article]( *Hashtag: #NewHorizons #PlutoFlyby*