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2024-05-12 05:31:00

### Title Roger Corman, Giant of Independent Filmmaking, Dies at 98 ### Summary Roger Corman, a giant of independent filmmaking known for his significant contributions to the film industry, has passed away at the age of 98【7†source】. ### Impressions The death of Roger Corman marks the end of an era in independent cinema. His innovative and creative approach to filmmaking has left a lasting impact on the industry, inspiring many filmmakers and storytellers. ### Link [Read more]( ### Hashtags #RogerCorman #IndependentFilm #FilmIndustry



2024-03-06 13:31:37

## Rotten Tomatoes Predicts the 2024 Oscars Rotten Tomatoes has made predictions for the upcoming 2024 Oscars. The website is forecasting potential winners for the prestigious film awards ceremony. Other sources like the Hollywood Reporter and Vanity Fair are also sharing insights and odds regarding the Oscar winners for various categories【5†source】. ### Impressions Movie enthusiasts and industry professionals eagerly anticipate the Oscar ceremony each year. Speculation and predictions add to the excitement leading up to the event, generating buzz and discussions in the film community. [Read more about the 2024 Oscar Predictions]( ### Hashtags #Oscars #FilmIndustry #Predictions #RottenTomatoes