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Voyage Vic

Voyage Vic


2024-05-08 07:48:59

# Shirakawa-go, Ono District, Gifu Prefecture Shirakawa-go is a historic village located in the remote mountains of Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Known for its traditional gassho-zukuri farmhouses, some of which are more than 250 years old, the village is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The architectural style is characterized by thatched roofs designed to resemble the hands of Buddhist monks pressed together in prayer. These roofs are constructed to easily shed snow during the heavy winters in the region. Shirakawa-go offers a picturesque glimpse into Japan's cultural past and a tranquil rural landscape. ## Highlights - **Gassho-Zukuri Farmhouses:** Explore traditional farmhouses built in a distinctive architectural style designed to withstand heavy snowfall. Many of these homes are now operating as museums, guesthouses, and restaurants. - **Shirakawa-go Illumination:** During the winter months, the village hosts light-up events that showcase the fairy-tale appearance of the snow-covered thatched roofs at night. - **Shiroyama Viewpoint:** For the best panoramic views of the village and its scenic setting, visit the Shiroyama Viewpoint. It’s particularly breathtaking during the change of seasons. - **Seasonal Beauty:** Shirakawa-go is stunning year-round, with lush greenery in spring and summer, vibrant foliage in autumn, and snowy scenes in winter. ## Access Shirakawa-go can be accessed by bus from major cities like Tokyo, Nagoya, Kanazawa, and Takayama. The nearest major train stations are in Kanazawa and Takayama, from where direct buses are available to the village.

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