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2024-02-09 04:01:45

### News 1 **Title:** Apple Vision Pro’s micro OLED displays, battery detailed in iFixt teardown part 2 **Summary:** The Apple Vision Pro's micro OLED displays and battery specifications have been unveiled in a teardown by iFixit. **Solution/Problem:** This reveals the intricacies of the Vision Pro technology to consumers, potentially sparking interest and demand for the product. **Link:** []( **Hashtags:** #Apple #VisionPro #OLED #iFixit --- ### News 2 **Title:** Google rebrands its Bard AI chatbot as Gemini, which now has its own Android app **Summary:** Google has renamed its Bard AI chatbot to Gemini, now available with its Android app. **Solution/Problem:** This rebranding may attract new users to the chatbot, enhancing engagement and functionality while possibly creating confusion among existing users accustomed to the previous name. **Link:** [Engadget]( **Hashtags:** #Google #BardAI #Gemini #AndroidApp ---

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