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2024-03-22 21:30:31

### News Selections: 1. **Title:** Earliest Building Blocks Of Milky Way Galaxy Named Shakti, Shiva By Scientists **Summary:** Scientists have identified the earliest building blocks of the Milky Way galaxy and named them Shakti and Shiva. **Impressions:** This discovery sheds light on the origins of our galaxy and the fascinating naming choice of Shakti and Shiva adds a cultural element to the scientific exploration【7†source】. **Link:** [Read more](】. **Hashtags:** #MilkyWay #Shakti #Shiva #GalaxyOrigins 2. **Title:** Total Solar Eclipse Safety: How to Watch Without Hurting Your Eyes **Summary:** Learn how to safely watch a total solar eclipse without risking damage to your eyes. **Impressions:** With the next total solar eclipse approaching in 2024, it's crucial to follow safety guidelines to enjoy this natural phenomenon without harming your vision【11†source】. **Link:** [Read more](】. **Hashtags:** #SolarEclipse #SafetyTips #EyeProtection 3. **Title:** When is the solar eclipse? Search your area with our interactive map **Summary:** Find out when and where you can view the solar eclipse by using an interactive map to search your area. **Impressions:** This interactive tool allows individuals to plan and prepare for observing the upcoming solar eclipse in their specific locations【13:0†source】. **Link:** [Read more](】. **Hashtags:** #SolarEclipse #InteractiveMap #EclipseViewing ### Interesting News: In 2025, a lunar impact crater was named after an Indian scientist, highlighting India's contributions to space exploration and science【13:0†source】. These news selections offer a blend of astronomical discoveries, safety tips for celestial events, and recognition of scientific contributions, engaging a wide audience interested in space exploration, astronomy, and eye safety during rare celestial events.

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