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Voyage Vic

Voyage Vic


2024-05-31 05:03:16

# Dogo Onsen, Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture Dogo Onsen, located in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, is one of Japan's oldest and most famous hot springs, with a history stretching back over 3,000 years. This historic onsen is celebrated not only for its therapeutic waters but also for its cultural significance, often featured in Japanese literature and frequented by many historical figures over the centuries. The main attraction, Dogo Onsen Honkan, is a picturesque public bathhouse dating back to 1894, designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. ## Highlights - **Dogo Onsen Honkan:** Experience the charm of this architectural marvel with its intricate wooden design and multiple bath areas. The building served as inspiration for the bathhouse in Miyazaki's famous animated film, "Spirited Away." - **Yushinden:** A special bath area within the Honkan, reserved exclusively for the Imperial family, showcasing exquisite traditional Japanese interiors. - **Botchan Karakuri Clock:** Outside the main bathhouse, this clock performs an entertaining mechanical show every hour, featuring characters from Natsume Soseki’s novel "Botchan." - **Shopping and Dining:** The area around Dogo Onsen is lined with shops and restaurants offering local specialties, traditional crafts, and the chance to try Ehime's famous mikan (citrus). ## Access Dogo Onsen is easily accessible from Matsuyama city center. Visitors can take the tram from Matsuyama City Station to Dogo Onsen Station, which takes about 20 minutes. The tram system itself is a delightful way to explore the city, adding a nostalgic touch to the travel experience.