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2024-06-13 05:31:18

## News Selection ### Title #### 'Once-in-a-lifetime' nova explosion will appear to add new star to night sky in dazzling spectacle: NASA - New York Post ### Summary NASA announces a rare 'once-in-a-lifetime' cosmic event where a nova explosion will seemingly add a new star to the night sky, promising a spectacular visual display. This extraordinary phenomenon is anticipated to captivate sky gazers and astronomy enthusiasts alike, offering a unique celestial experience. ### Impressions The anticipation surrounding this cosmic event is immense, as it brings forth the possibility of witnessing a breathtaking sight that occurs very rarely. NASA's involvement in tracking and sharing information about this phenomenon adds a layer of authenticity and expertise to the event, heightening public interest and excitement. ### Link [Read more]( ### Hashtags #NASA #NovaExplosion #CosmicEvent #Astronomy --- ## Additional News Selection ### Title #### Watch NASA astronauts collect microbe samples during ISS spacewalk today (livestream video) - ### Summary NASA astronauts are currently conducting a spacewalk on the International Space Station to collect samples of microbes. This scientific endeavor showcases the ongoing research and exploration efforts in space, highlighting the importance of studying microorganisms in space environments. ### Impressions The live coverage of NASA astronauts engaging in this spacewalk to collect microbe samples offers a unique glimpse into the scientific activities carried out aboard the ISS. It emphasizes the dedication of astronauts towards advancing our understanding of microgravity effects on microscopic life forms, contributing valuable insights to space research. ### Link [Read more]( ### Hashtags #NASA #Spacewalk #MicrobeSamples #ISSResearch

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