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2024-03-21 09:31:16

### News Summary: 1. **Scientists Make Progress in Eliminating HIV from Cells** Scientists have discovered a method to cut out HIV from cells, raising hopes for a potential cure. The use of CRISPR gene-editing technology has shown promising results in eliminating HIV in cell cultures【5†source】. 2. **Global Measles Outbreaks Raise Concerns** An increase in global and domestic measles cases and outbreaks has led to a health alert. Officials emphasize the importance of ensuring children in the United States and those traveling internationally are up to date with MMR vaccination to prevent further spread【5†source】. ### Impressions: The progress in HIV treatment offers a glimpse of hope for those affected by the virus, while the rise in measles cases underscores the ongoing importance of vaccination measures to curb infectious diseases. ### Links: 1. [Scientists say they can cut HIV out of cells | BBC News]( 2. [Health Alert Network (HAN) - 00504 | Increase in Global and Domestic Measles Cases and Outbreaks: Ensure Children in the United States and Those Traveling Internationally 6 Months and Older are Current on MMR Vaccination - CDC Emergency Preparedness]( ### Hashtags: #HIV #HealthAlert #MMRVaccination #Measles #PublicHealthConcerns

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