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2024-03-20 13:30:21

### Title 1. **Trump Wins Ohio Primary as Some Republican Voters Support Others** ### Summary Donald Trump emerges victorious in the Ohio primary election, garnering support from Republican voters while some others opt for different candidates. The event underscores the diversity of opinions within the Republican voter base. 2. **Riley Strain's Last Message and Fresh Footage Unveiled Live** ### Impressions Riley Strain's final text message and newly released footage are revealed in a live setting, shedding light on potential insights or developments surrounding the situation. This unveiling could provide closure or raise further questions about the circumstances. ### Links 1. [Trump Wins Ohio Primary - Axios]( 2. [Riley Strain's Final Text Message - The Independent]( ### Hashtags #OhioPrimary #DonaldTrump #RepublicanVoters #RileyStrain #NewFootage #LiveCoverage Credits: [Axios](, [The Independent](