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2024-02-20 13:31:56

### News 1 **Title:** Brightest and hungriest black hole ever detected **Summary:** Astronomers have discovered the universe's brightest object, a quasar powered by a black hole that consumes the equivalent of a sun every day【5†source】. **Solution or Problem:** The discovery sheds light on the extreme phenomena in space, but understanding the mechanics of such a powerful system remains a challenge for researchers【5†source】. **Link:** []( **Hashtags:** #BlackHole #Quasar #SpaceDiscovery --- ### News 2 **Title:** Satellite weighing as much as adult rhino to crash through Earth's atmosphere this week **Summary:** A satellite weighing similar to an adult rhino is set to penetrate Earth's atmosphere this week【5†source】. **Solution or Problem:** The event poses potential risks related to space debris and the safety of activities on Earth, requiring careful monitoring and management strategies【5†source】. **Link:** [CBS News]( **Hashtags:** #SpaceDebris #EarthAtmosphere #SatelliteCrash

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