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2024-03-13 17:31:42

### News 1: **Title:** Kairos: Japan rocket explodes seconds after launch **Summary:** A Japanese rocket exploded just moments after lifting off on its launch, causing a spectacular failure of the space mission【7†source】. **Impressions:** This incident highlights the risks and challenges involved in space exploration, reminding us of the complexities and uncertainties associated with aerospace endeavors. **Link:** []( **Hashtag:** #Japan #rocket #explosion ### News 2: **Title:** I won't return race row donor's money, says Rishi Sunak **Summary:** UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak expressed that he will not refund a donation from a controversial donor involved in a race row【13†source】. **Impressions:** The decision by Rishi Sunak raises questions about political accountability and the ethical implications of accepting donations from controversial sources. **Link:** []( **Hashtag:** #RishiSunak #donation #ethics ### News 3: **Title:** Haiti crisis boils over, forcing pivot in US policy **Summary:** The crisis in Haiti has escalated significantly, prompting a shift in US policy towards the nation【25†source】. **Impressions:** The intensifying situation in Haiti underscores the challenges faced by the country and the complex decisions that need to be made by international actors to address the crisis effectively. **Link:** [The Hill]( **Hashtag:** #Haiti #crisis #USpolicy

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