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2024-02-23 21:31:42

### Title 1. New NFL salary cap for 2024 season rises to $255.4 million per team 2. MLB players criticize Nike for see-through uniforms ### Summary 1. **NFL Salary Cap Increase**: The NFL's salary cap for the 2024 season has been revealed to rise to a record $255.4 million per team, showing a substantial increase of $30.6 million compared to previous figures【7†source】. 2. **MLB Players vs. Nike**: Major League Baseball players express their discontent with Nike's see-through uniforms, with critical sentiments towards the design choice【9†source】. ### Impressions - The significant rise in the NFL salary cap for 2024 could impact team strategies, player contracts, and overall competitiveness in the league. - The criticism towards Nike's see-through uniforms raises discussions on the balance between fashion-forward designs and practicality in sports attire. ### Links 1. [NFL Salary Cap Increase - CBS Sports]( 2. [MLB Players Criticize Nike - The Independent]( ### Hashtags #NFL #MLB #Nike #SportsFashion #SalaryCap #AthletesCriticism

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