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2024-03-13 09:30:21

## Title: 11-inch OLED iPad Pro Facing Short Supply at Launch ### Summary: The upcoming 11-inch OLED iPad Pro may experience shortages upon release, which could potentially impact availability for customers. This eagerly anticipated device is highly sought after, and the limited supply could lead to challenges in obtaining it promptly. ### Impressions: Customers looking forward to the new 11-inch OLED iPad Pro may face disappointment due to potential supply constraints. The device's high demand coupled with limited availability could result in delays for those wanting to purchase it early. ### Link: [Read more about the potential supply issues of the 11-inch OLED iPad Pro]( ### Hashtags: #iPadPro #OLED #SupplyShortage --- ## Title: Midjourney Bans Rival AI Firm for Image Scraping ### Summary: Midjourney takes action against a rival AI firm for allegedly scraping images, leading to a ban on the rival's employees. The dispute highlights the importance of respecting intellectual property and data usage in the competitive AI sector. ### Impressions: Midjourney's decisive action against the rival AI firm underscores the significance of fair practices and ethical conduct in the technology industry. The ban serves as a reminder of the consequences of unauthorized data scraping and infringement of intellectual property rights. ### Link: [Learn more about Midjourney's actions against the rival AI firm]( ### Hashtags: #Midjourney #AI #ImageScraping