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2024-02-14 02:31:44

### News 1 **Title:** Jon Stewart’s Return Boosts ‘The Daily Show’ to 1.9 Million Viewers, Biggest Episode Since 2018 **Summary:** Jon Stewart's return to "The Daily Show" garnered 1.9 million viewers, marking the show's largest episode since 2018. **Solution or Problem:** Jon Stewart's return revitalized viewership for "The Daily Show," showcasing the enduring appeal of the host and the program【5†source】. **Link:** [Variety](】 **Hashtags:** #JonStewart #TheDailyShow #Viewership --- ### News 2 **Title:** NFL releases audio of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce after Super Bowl win **Summary:** The NFL released audio featuring Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce post the Super Bowl victory. **Solution or Problem:** The release of the audio adds a personal touch to the Super Bowl celebrations, enhancing fan engagement with behind-the-scenes moments【5†source】. **Link:** [Entertainment Weekly News](】 **Hashtags:** #NFL #TaylorSwift #TravisKelce

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