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Voyage Vic

Voyage Vic


2024-05-16 09:10:58

# Nachi Falls, Higashimuro District, Wakayama Prefecture Nachi Falls, located in the verdant Kii Mountains of Wakayama Prefecture, is one of Japan's most famous and revered waterfalls. Standing at 133 meters, it is the tallest waterfall in Japan with a single drop, making it a significant natural landmark. The falls are part of the sacred Kumano region and are closely associated with Kumano Nachi Taisha, one of the three grand shrines of Kumano, and a key site in the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage route. ## Highlights - **Majestic Waterfall:** Nachi Falls is revered for its spectacular vertical drop, which creates a powerful and awe-inspiring presence. - **Spiritual Significance:** The waterfall is worshipped as a deity in itself and is an integral part of the sacred Shinto site of Kumano Nachi Taisha. - **Seiganto-ji Temple:** Next to the falls is Seiganto-ji, a historic Buddhist temple that offers stunning views of Nachi Falls and is part of the traditional pilgrimage route. - **Photography Opportunities:** The site offers various viewpoints for capturing the grandeur of the falls, including a platform near the base and views from Seiganto-ji Temple. ## Access Nachi Falls is accessible by bus from Kii-Katsuura Station or Shingu Station, with buses running directly to Nachi-no-Taki-mae, the main stop for the falls. For those driving, there is parking available near the site.