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2024-03-02 17:30:43

## News Selection for Summarization: ### Title: Scientists discover water source in space three times greater than Earth's oceans - **Summary:** Scientists have found a water source in space that is three times larger than all of Earth's oceans combined. The discovery sheds new light on the abundance of water beyond our planet【5†source】. - **Impressions:** This discovery is groundbreaking as it opens up possibilities for understanding the prevalence of water in the universe beyond our planet. It may also provide insights into the formation and existence of water resources in space, hinting at the potential for life beyond Earth. - **Link:** [Read more]( - **Hashtags:** #SpaceDiscovery #WaterInSpace #ScientificBreakthrough ## Interesting News: Back in September 2017, Elon Musk unveiled plans for SpaceX's BFR rocket to take humans to Mars by 2024. The ambitious goal aimed to establish the first human colony on Mars and pave the way for interplanetary travel【5†source】.