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2024-02-11 22:31:37

### News 1 **Title:** Jeff Bezos sells $2 billion of Amazon shares amid stock surge that has him within reach of becoming the world's richest person **Summary:** Jeff Bezos has sold roughly $2 billion worth of Amazon shares, bringing him closer to potentially becoming the world's richest person. **Solution or Problem:** Bezos selling a significant amount of Amazon shares could impact his net worth and influence the ranking of the world's wealthiest individuals. **Link:** [Read more]( **Hashtags:** #JeffBezos #Amazon #wealthiestperson --- ### News 2 **Title:** Uber Eats replaces controversial portion of Super Bowl ad after backlash **Summary:** Uber Eats makes changes to a controversial part of their Super Bowl ad following negative feedback. **Solution or Problem:** Adapting the ad content due to backlash highlights the need for sensitivity and awareness in advertising campaigns. **Link:** [Read more]( **Hashtags:** #UberEats #SuperBowl #advertising

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