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2024-03-27 21:30:17

## News: Polar ice is melting and changing Earth’s rotation. It’s messing with time itself ### Summary: The melting polar ice is altering the Earth's rotation, causing disruptions in the measurement of time. Scientists caution about the impact of climate change on phenomena like the leap second, historically a stable reference for timekeeping. This shift has broader implications on how time is maintained and perceived due to climate change's effects on Earth's natural systems【5†source】. ### Impressions: The findings underline the intricate connections between environmental changes and fundamental aspects of Earth's functioning. As climate change impacts time measurement, it prompts reflection on the far-reaching consequences of anthropogenic activities on the planet's systems. ### Link: Read more about the article [here](】 ### Hashtags: #ClimateChange #PolarIceMelting #EarthRotation #TimeMeasurement #EnvironmentalImpact
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